My Cancerpalooza Day & Health Update

Today is June 3rd: National Cancer Survivors Day. Today also happens to be my "Cancerpalooza Day," the 12 year anniversary of hearing the words, "You have cancer." Today, I honor my many friends and family members who have courageously battled this disease. 

I guess now would also be a good time to update the social media world with all I am going through at the current moment...
(Disclaimer: I share in hopes to inspire, help, or connect to someone else fighting a similar fight.  I DO NOT want you to feel sorry for me or get any special attention. In fact, I have waited for so long to update people in fear of those concerns.) 


The Update:
My cancer has increased since my scans 6 months ago. And not by a little like last time... It basically doubled in size. My doctor is concerned, and so she ordered a new set of scans and blood tests for me 3 months from now. She warned me that my cancer is super aggressive compared to most thyroid cancers she encounters. She even acknowledged that it is probably so aggressive because of the radiation and chemo I received to cure Cancer #1. -_- Go figure. 

The sucky part is that there isn't really a "cure" for me... besides possibly cutting it out (aka surgery). I already underwent a MASSIVE amount of the typical radioactive iodine therapy a few years ago, which works with most thyroid cancer patients... but not for me! I guess that makes me special...?! Based on my recent CT scan and ultrasound reports, there are 5 small cancer nodules in my body: 3 in my thyroid bed, 1 in my spine, and 1 in my lung. Oy... Not good. 

So how are you feeling? ( That is the most common question I get.) 

To be honest, I am tired. I want to it to be over. I have been dealing with cancer for 12 years of my 27 year life. The doctor visits, needles, scans, blood tests, chemo, radiation, crappy insurance companies, CT scans with that toxic stuff they inject into you, the ultrasound goop, injections, waiting rooms, hospital bills... it's a lot to deal with. I try to take each day one day at a time, because if I look at the bigger picture I get a little overwhelmed and upset. I keep reminding myself that despite dealing with this crap, I am still very lucky in many ways. For instance, I am not in any pain, and I have a functional and strong body that allows me dance and teach. I am so so so so thankful for that.   


I have taken time to meditate and reflect on what my next steps should be... and since the western medicine cancer treatment plan has only made my cancer proliferate and grow more aggressive, I feel it is time to dive deeper into the world of nutrition again, specifically the Ketogenic Diet. I truly resonate with the theories and research I have found about it, and I know doing this will be better than doing nothing. It's going to be a big lifestyle switch for me, but with a little hard work and planning, I know I can do it. I have to.... my life literally depends on it. 

The New "Brianna Is Going To Kick Cancer's Butt" Plan: 
1. Do Ketogenic Diet everyday. 
2. Chant/Mediatate everyday.
3. Dance/Create everyday. 
4. Sing everyday.
5. Give Gratitude everyday.  

Wish me luck as I move through this rain cloud...
Will update again soon!