
“More is lost by indecision than wrong decision.
Indecision is the thief of opportunity.
It will steal you blind.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

I got into grad school today. I am excited, eager, and freaked out.

I am most proud of the fact that I did this by myself and for myself. I am so worthy of this opportunity. Let’s repeat that again. wow. I am so worthy. Mind-Body Medicine is something that I am so passionate about, and while I invest this time and money into healing myself and reading countless books, I might as well earn a Masters degree in it!

Money is always the huge question and scare with all of this high education stuff. My dad nearly spit out his coffee when I told him the cost. My goal will be to get 100% of it paid for though scholarships and through working. And even still…. a student loan isn’t going to kill me. And while this might sound morbid, they are forgiven when you die. So take me, already having cancer twice, knowing this…. it kinda really motivates me to just take the risk!

A friend of mine, Gina, said it best on the phone with me the other day. She said, “Look girl…. ANY investment in your mind, body, spirit is going to be worth it.” I agree 10000%. And that is exactly what this program is.

Let the journey begin! (Well technically not now… but on August 30th!)

Brianna MercadoComment