10 things dance can do

10 things dance can do:

1. Empower our youth.
2. Lift spirits.
3. Challenge what we think is possible.
4. Build families & communities of love & support.
5. Create laughter.
6. Foster inclusiveness.
7. Create everlasting friendships.
8. Cultivate resilience and Grit.
9. Be our escape from reality.
10. Teach you to “go with the flow.”

Just some moments of joy, laughter, and inspiration that I’ve been meaning to share. 🥰☺️💛 I have hope that we will all dance together soon. These moments are my fuel to remember how NECESSARY it is to keep the arts alive right now. Thankful for all the teachers, mentors, friends, peers, students, and supporters who have contributed to my journey. We WILL and MUST dance again. Patience and hope will carry us through.

Brianna MercadoComment