Courageous Kids Day 2020

It was such an honor to be a part of the first virtual Courageous Kids day in partnership with Starting Arts here in San Jose, CA! I used to attend this event every year with my family. It was such a great day to celebrate life, be with family, and not be the only weird bald kid walking around. I also stayed involved with this American Cancer Society event in college as a volunteer, setting up a friendship bracelet table as an Ambassador. It feels good to dig my heels in to the soil under my feet, reconnect with my Bay Area hometown, and give back to my community.

I hope this silly dance encouraged at least 1 kid to wiggle a little bit. If I did that, I did my job! I believe dance has such an incredible opportunity to heal both patients dealing with trauma, and parents and siblings dealing with the stress of it all.

Thankful for this opportunity.

Brianna MercadoComment